2020, Completed projects

“Rule of Law and Administration of Justice”, funded by the OSCE, implemented in partnership with the NGO Association “Advocacy Center for Human Rights” (ECHR).

Implementation timeline:

April 28, 2020 through November 30, 2020.


To support the Kyrgyz Republic in strengthening the rule of law and the administration of justice by assisting State authorities in the effective implementation of the recently adopted criminal justice legislative reforms

Expected results and accomplishments: 

– Development of a joint work plan between the ECHR IP and the CAJS under the coordination of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek;         

– Development of a trial-monitoring methodology for 2020 jointly by CAVS with ECHR under the coordination of POiB;         

– Analysis and preparation of an interim and final report based on data from trial monitoring by trial monitors (at least 300 trials in 7 regions) and EHRIC IP reports;         

– Analyzing and developing appropriate recommendations to improve the performance of decision-making bodies based on data from trial monitoring by monitors;         

– Drafting and advocating recommendations through a series of meetings with representatives of the Supreme Court, the High School of Justice, the Council for Judicial Reform, and the Expert Working Group of the President’s Office;