Minutes of the General Meeting of Members
NGO “Kyrgyz Association of Women Judges”
No. 9, dated May 11, 2024.

1. General Provisions

1.1 The Public Association “Kyrgyz Association of Women Judges” (hereinafter referred to as the Association) is established and operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Civil Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Non-Profit Organizations”, other normative legal acts and this Charter.

1.2. The Association is a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit association established on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests for the achievement of common goals provided for in this Charter.

1.3 The corporate name of the Association: 

full name:

in the state language – “Ayal-judicialarynyn Kyrgyz Association” koomduk birikmesi;

in the official language – Public Association “Kyrgyz Association of Women Judges”, 

in English – Kyrgyz Association of Women Judges, public association;

abbreviated name: 

in the state language- “ASKA” QB;

in the official language – “CAJS” Ltd.

in English – “KAWJ” RA

  1.  Legal address (location) of the Association: 34, Umetalieva Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
  2. The term of the Association’s activity: not limited.


2. Legal status of the Association


2.1 The Association is a legal entity, has separate property, has an estimate and an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in banks of the Kyrgyz Republic and abroad. The Association has the right to enter into contracts in its own name, acquire property and non-property rights and bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in courts;

2.2 The Association has a round seal and stamps with its name in the state and official languages;

2.3 Within the framework of the legislation, the Association has independence in matters of internal organization, determination of the form of management, remuneration, financial and economic activities;

2.4 The Association shall be liable for its obligations with all of its property. The Association shall not be liable for the obligations of the state and its members, nor shall the state and the members of the Association be liable for the obligations of the Association;

2.5The association carries out its activities on the basis of the principles of equality of its members, legality, publicity, voluntariness and self-governance.

2.6 The property transferred to the Association by its members shall be the property of the Association. The Association shall not be liable for the obligations of its members.

2.7 The members of the Association shall not be liable for the obligations of the Association and shall not have any property rights to the property of the Association.

2.8 The Association shall have the right to engage in production and other economic activities necessary to achieve its statutory objectives.

3. Aims and objectives of the Association


  1. 1The objectives of the Association are: –

– Creating a professional community that promotes judicial and legal reform to improve access to justice for women, children and other vulnerable populations;

– raising the status of judges of the Kyrgyz Republic, protection and promotion of the rights and interests of the members of the Association;

– Helping to strengthen the rule of law and build a State based on the rule of law. 

3.2Objectives of the Association:

– cooperation with state bodies, local self-government bodies, public organizations, international organizations;

– Developing full cooperation among judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other legal professionals, promoting the link between legal science, education and practice;

– Independent or joint conferences, seminars and other informational and educational activities with state bodies, public associations on the law and law enforcement practices of the courts, especially on family issues, protection of the rights of minors, persons with disabilities, elderly citizens, migrant workers and other vulnerable groups and improvement of their access to justice;

– Elaboration of scientifically substantiated recommendations on problematic issues of ensuring the protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens and their access to justice;

– providing information, advisory and organizational assistance to the members of the Association;

– assistance in improving the professional knowledge and skills of the Association members;

– Establishment and development of professional relations with similar associations, including those of other countries;

– publishing informational and educational materials and cooperating with the media.

– Assistance in strengthening the legal basis for the activity of judges and their social and legal protection;

– Promoting the process of formation of the rule of law in the Kyrgyz Republic

– promoting the prestige of the legal profession in the Kyrgyz Republic;

3.3Rights of the Association:

3.3.1The association has the right to independently communicate and liaise with various organizations regarding its activities.

3.3.2 The Association has the right to freely disseminate information about its activities.

3.3.3 The Association shall have the right to participate in the development of decisions of public authorities and local self-government bodies in accordance with the procedure and to the extent provided for by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as to take initiatives on issues under its jurisdiction, make proposals to state and local self-government bodies.

3.3.4 The Association has the right to carry out publishing activities.

3.3.5 The Association has the right to exercise in full the powers provided by the legislation for public associations.

3.3.6The Association has the right to carry out other activities not prohibited by the legislation, this Charter and aimed at achieving and implementing its statutory goals and objectives.

3.4. Duties of the Association:

3.4.1 The Association shall be obliged to strictly comply with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, generally recognized principles and norms of international law relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the norms stipulated by this Charter.

3.4.2The Association is obliged to ensure access to information on its activities for the members of the Association.

4. Membership in the Association


4.1. The members of the Association may be judges of the Kyrgyz Republic, retired judges who share the goals and objectives of the Association and fulfill the requirements of this Charter.

In addition to membership in the Association, there is an associate membership, the holders of which have all the rights of members of the Association, except the right to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Association.

Associate members of the Association may be court staff, legal experts on the rights of women, children, persons with disabilities, elderly citizens, migrant workers and other vulnerable groups who share the goals and objectives of the Association; 

4.2 The amount of the entrance fee and annual membership fee shall be determined by the General Meeting of Members of the Association.

4.3 Membership in and withdrawal from the Association shall be voluntary.

4.4 Membership in the Association is based on an application submitted to the Supervisory Board of the Association, with simultaneous payment of the entrance and annual membership fees. Subsequent annual membership fees shall be paid in advance, not later than March 1 of the year for which the fee is paid.

Associate members of the Association also join the Association on the basis of an application, letters of recommendation from at least two members of the Association, with the payment of an annual membership fee.

The Association provides for the awarding of the title of “honorary member of the Association” to those who have made a significant contribution to the achievement of the goals and development of the Association. This title is awarded to the founders of the Association, members of the Supervisory Board of the Association who have ever been elected by the General Meeting of the Association.

Honorary members of the Association have the right to take part in meetings of the Supervisory Board without the right to vote, to chair general meetings and other events of the Association.  

4.5. Voluntary termination of membership in the Association is carried out by submitting an application to the Supervisory Board.

4.6. Membership in the Association may be terminated on the initiative of the Supervisory Board in exceptional cases and on the following grounds:

– non-payment of membership fees for the last 3 years;

– early termination of the powers of a judge on non-rehabilitative grounds, commission of misconduct discrediting the reputation of the Association.

4.7 In the presence of the grounds provided for in clause 4.6. The Executive Director, a member of the Supervisory Board or at least 1/10 of the members of the Association shall make a submission to the Supervisory Board to expel a member from the membership of the Association.

4.8. Members of the Association shall have the right to:

– members of the Association shall have equal rights and obligations;

– participate in the management of the Association in accordance with this Charter;

– to elect and be elected to the management bodies of the Association;

– participate in the activities and programs carried out by the Association;

– receive necessary information on the activities of the Association;

– to use free of charge the normative legal acts available in the Association, computer and other equipment, information legal systems and other services;

– to submit proposals for consideration by the governing bodies of the Association on matters of their activities;

– make applications to any body of the Association and receive a reply on the merits of their application;

– voluntarily withdraw from the association by submitting a corresponding application.

4.9. Members of the Association shall:

– comply with the present Charter;

– pay membership fees in the order and amount determined by the General Meeting and these Articles of Association;

– refrain from actions that may damage the interests and reputation of the Association and its members.

3. Management Bodies of the Association

5.1 The governing bodies of the Association shall be:

– The General Meeting of Members of the Association is the supreme governing body of the Association (hereinafter referred to as the “General Meeting”);

– The Supervisory Board is an oversight and advisory body;

– The executive director is an executive officer.

 – The  Auditor is a control and auditing body.

5.2 The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than December 15 of the following year. All other General Meetings shall be extraordinary. 

5.3 The exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Members shall include:

– determining the priority areas of the public association’s activities;

– the procedure for utilization of the Association’s property;

– election and recall of members of the Supervisory Body and the Auditor of the Association;

– approval of the annual report on the activities of the Association and the annual balance sheet;

– making decisions on the establishment of branches, representative offices and other legal entities; 

– participation in the activities of other legal entities;

– making decisions on the reorganization and liquidation of the Association, appointment of a liquidation commission;

– determination of the amount of the entrance and annual membership fee;

– other issues, except those referred by the Charter to the competence of other bodies of the Association.

5.4 The notice of the General Meeting and the agenda shall be sent to the members of the Association (by post or e-mail) or published on the official website of the Association no later than 15 days prior to the General Meeting, and of the Extraordinary General Meeting no later than 10 days prior to the meeting.

5.5 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened on the initiative of the Supervisory Board, the Executive Director, as well as on the initiative of 1/10 of the members of the Association, through the Executive Director.

5.6 The General Meeting shall not be entitled to consider items not included in the agenda, unless more than half of the members present at the General Meeting vote in favor of the proposal on the agenda.

5.7 The members of the Association shall have the right to make proposals to the Supervisory Board on the agenda of the forthcoming General Meeting.

5.8 The General Meeting shall have a quorum if at least one fourth of its members participate in decision-making.

5.9 The decision to make amendments and additions, to approve a new version of the Charter of the Association, to reorganize and liquidate the Association requires 2/3 of the votes of all members of the Association.

5.10. Decisions on the disposal of the Association’s property shall be made by at least 2/3 of the total number of members of the Association.

5.11. Decisions on other issues shall be made by a simple majority of the members of the Association present at the General Meeting.

5.12. The Supervisory Board is the supervisory and advisory body of the Association, which carries out general management of the Association’s activities between General Meetings and consists of 5 members.

5.12.1. The Supervisory Board shall be elected by the General Meeting for a term of three years by open voting, by a majority vote of the members present at the General Meeting from among the members of the Association.

5.12.2. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board conducts general management of the Supervisory Board activities, conducts meetings of the Supervisory Board.

5.12.3. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board shall be elected from among the members of the Supervisory Board also by open voting.

5.12.4.The Chairman of the Supervisory Board or on his/her behalf an honorary member of the Association shall open and preside at the General Meeting of Members of the Association.

5.12.5. In case of retirement of a member of the Supervisory Board, election of a new member of the Supervisory Board shall be carried out in accordance with clause 5.12.1. hereof.

5.13. Competence of the Supervisory Board:

– accepts and expels members of the Association;

– determines the exact number of members before the general meetings of the Association, at which strategic issues (amendments and additions, approval of the Charter of the Association in a new version, property and liquidation, reorganization) requiring 2/3 of votes of the total number of members of the Association are considered; 

– determines the number of committees of the Association;

– approves regulations on the Association’s committees and other internal local normative acts, except for the normative acts approved by the General Meeting of the Association;

– exercises control over the execution of decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association;

– considers and approves the budget of the Association;

– prepares issues to be discussed at the General Meeting of Members of the Association, including proposals for amendments and additions to the present Charter;

– approves the regulations on branches and representative offices, appoints their heads, approves the budget and staff schedule of the branch (representative office);

– appoints the Executive Director;

– approves the structure and staff schedule of the executive body of the Association;

– Hears reports on the activities of the Executive Director, structural subdivisions and committees;

– decides to award the status of “honorary member of the Association” in accordance with these Articles of Association and the regulations adopted by the general meeting of the Association;

– approves the award list of the Association members who actively participate in the development of the Association’s activities, awards, presents insignia.

5.14. Meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. Meetings shall be deemed competent if more than half of the total number of members of the Supervisory Board participate in them. All members of the Supervisory Board shall be personally notified of the date of the Supervisory Board meeting and the agenda by the Executive Director of the Association.

5.15. Resolutions shall be adopted by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Supervisory Board present at the meeting (in case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board shall have a casting vote).

5.16. Meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be conducted by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and in his absence – by one of the members of the Supervisory Board of the Association or on behalf of the Chairman – by an honorary member of the Association.

5.17. Minutes of meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be kept by the executive secretary elected from among the members of the Supervisory Board of the Association, and if necessary, by any member of the Supervisory Board.

5.18. The Executive Director is the executive body of the Association:

5.18.1. The Executive Director of the Association carries out the day-to-day management of the Association’s activities in accordance with this Charter.

5.18.2 The Executive Director is appointed by the Supervisory Board of the Association for a period of 3 years. The Executive Director shall have an apparatus. The structure and staff of the office shall be approved by the Supervisory Board.

5.18.3 The Executive Director may be early dismissed from his/her position for health reasons and other reasons stipulated by this Charter, contract and KR legislation. The Executive Director shall be liable within the framework of the legislation and this Charter.

5.18.4. Grounds for the release of the Executive Director may include:

– committing acts that have harmed the reputation of the Association;

– failure to properly perform his duties.

5.18.5 In case of prolonged absence due to illness, business or creative business trip, or for other valid reasons, the Executive Director shall be entitled to entrust the performance of his/her duties to another employee for the period of his/her absence with the consent of the Supervisory Board.

5.18.6. Functions of the Executive Director:

-represents the Association in relations with state authorities, local self-government bodies and their officials, legal and physical persons, international organizations without power of attorney;

– ensures the implementation of the provisions of this Charter, the main activities of the organization and other governing documents of the Association;

– organizes and carries out current management and control over the activities of structural subdivisions, including committees;

– ensures organizational work and financial and economic activities of the Association;

– reports on the work done to the General Meeting of Members of the Association and the Supervisory Board of the Association;

– disposes of the property and funds of the Association within the limits of its competence and approved estimates;

– shall have the right of first signature on the financial documents of the Association;

– organizes accounting, operational and statistical accounting and reporting, is responsible for their reliability and timely preparation and submission.

– makes civil law transactions on behalf of the Association;

-presents claims and suits against legal entities and citizens on behalf of the Association with the consent of the members of the Supervisory Board;

– ensures preparation for the General Meeting of Members of the Association; 

-administers (keeps records) of the members of the Association;

-hires and discharges employees of the Association; 

-issues powers of attorney on behalf of the Association;

-opens accounts of the Association in banks and other credit organizations;

-exercises other powers in accordance with the present Charter, except for the powers attributed to the exclusive competence of the General Meeting and the Supervisory Board of the Association.

5.19 The Inspector 

5.19.1 Control over the financial and economic activities of the Association shall be exercised by the Auditor, who shall control the correctness of spending of funds, maintenance of accounting books and other issues in accordance with the decision of the General Meeting.

5.19.2 The Auditor is elected by the General Meeting of Members of the Association. The Auditor shall conduct audits of the financial and economic activities of the Association based on the results of the year and submit his/her opinion thereon.

5.19.2 The results of the Auditor’s inspections shall be presented to the General Meeting of Members of the Association and the Supervisory Board.

5.19.3 Upon the decision of the General Meeting, audits of the financial and economic activities of the Association may be conducted on a contractual basis by independent audit organizations.

5.19.4 The Auditor has the right to demand that the Association’s officials provide documents on the Association’s financial and economic activities.

6. Assets of the Association


6.1 The property of the Association shall consist of fixed and current assets, as well as other property recorded on its balance sheet.

6.2 The property and funds of the Association shall be formed at the expense of:

-contributions of the members of the Association;

-. bank loans and other borrowings;

-. grants, charitable contributions, donations from organizations and citizens, including foreign ones;

-. other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

6.3. The funds of the Association shall be used for:

– implementation of the statutory tasks of the Association;

– remuneration of labor of the Association’s staff;

– acquisition of property necessary for the Association’s activities, as well as rent of premises;

– social development of the Association;

– other expenses necessary for the activities of the Association, not contrary to the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic.

6.4 The activities of the Association are not aimed at making profit; the income received by the Association shall be used to achieve its statutory goals and objectives.

8. Procedure for making amendments and additions to the Charter of the Association

7.1 Amendments and additions to the Charter of the Association may be made exclusively by the General Meeting of Members of the Association in accordance with the procedure established by these Articles of Association. 

7.2 Amendments and additions to the Charter shall become effective from the moment of state registration in accordance with the procedure established by law.

8. Termination of the Association’s activities


8.1 The Association shall be terminated through reorganization or liquidation in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

8.2 Reorganization of the Association (merger, division, annexation, spin-off) shall result in the transfer of rights and obligations belonging to the Association to its legal successors under the separation balance sheet or transfer act.

8.3 The Association may be liquidated by decision of the General Meeting or the court.

8.4 The body that has taken the decision on liquidation shall appoint a liquidation commission to which all powers to manage the Association shall be transferred. 

8.5 In the event of the liquidation of the Association, the property remaining after settlements with creditors shall be transferred to the liquidation commission of a public association or a public foundation whose activities are aimed at the realization of goals that coincide with the goals of the Association.

8.6 The Association shall be deemed to have ceased its activities from the moment the registration authority issues an order to that effect.

8..7. In the event of liquidation of the Association, documents arising in the course of its activities shall be stored in accordance with the procedure established by the Law “On the National Archive Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic”.

Executive Director: Z.S. Turumbekova.