2021, Completed projects

“Improving Access to Justice for Vulnerable Populations Exposed to Family Violence” under the “Response to Gender-Based and Domestic Violence in the COVID19 Pandemic” of the Jigerduu Zharandar Project, USAID

Implementation timeline:

August 4, 2020 to January 31, 2021


Cоздать действенную систему правовой помощи для жертв семейного насилия, которая смогла бы сформировать у них уверенность в возможности получения реальной защиты и разрешения конфликта правовыми способами без нанесения ущерба их жизни и здоровью.

Expected results and accomplishments: 

  • To analyze the existing legislation and program documents of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in order to prepare a step-by-step Guide on providing legal protection to victims of family violence;
  • Test the Guidelines with attorneys from at least 3 free legal aid centers and create a basic pool of attorneys specializing in family violence cases;
  • Testing the Guide with attorneys from at least 3 free legal aid centers and creating a basic pool of attorneys specializing in family violence cases;
  • Create a video course on the implementation of the Guidelines on Legal Protection for Victims of Family Violence, including using footage of trainings with advocates.